S. Lourenço Palace

About the São Lourenço Palace

Located at a strategic point of defence of Funchal, S. Lourenço Palace is recognised as the most imposing example of civil and military architecture on the Island of Madeira, which is worth discovering.

The construction of this historic building began in the first half of the 16th century. It was completed during the course of the Spanish dynasty that reigned in Portugal, between 1580 and 1640. In the first instance, it was primarily invested with a defensive mission. Later, it was to become the residence of the captains-donee of Funchal and the captain-general governors.

With the introduction of the constitutional government in 1834, S. Lourenço Palace, also known as the Fortress of S. Lourenço, was definitely given a residential function. It was, two years later, divided into two areas: the Palace, the headquarters of the official residence of the Civil Governor and the Military Area, where the Command of the Madeira Military Zone is working, and a museum with a vast collection of weapons.

S. Lourenço Palace was classified as a National Monument in 1943. Its architecture combines military, Manueline and Mannerist styles, given the renovations it has undergone over time. Today, it is the Official Residence of the Representative of the Republic.


The beginning of the construction of S. Lourenço Palace dates back to the 16th century. Classified as a National Monument in 1943, it is the most imposing example of Madeira's civil and military architecture.

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