Sports activities in Madeira
There are many sports events taking place in Madeira all year round. Come and challenge yourself!
Sports Events
Sports Events
The pleasure of sport in Nature
At sea, in the mountains, on riversides, along 'levadas' (water channels) or even in the air: sports activities in Madeira benefit from surprising landscapes and excellent conditions. Take part in the sports events organised in the archipelago.

Discover our events!
There is always a lot happening in Madeira and we don't want you to miss any of it. Check out the dates of the main events that make the Region increasingly known as a cultural destination here.
EXPLORELiving sports activities in Madeira
Madeira is home to a series of unmissable sports events in many different disciplines.

Everyone moves
The archipelago of Madeira hosts several iconic sports events every year, some of which are part of the main international circuits of the most diverse disciplines, thus placing Madeira and Porto Santo on the map of the main active tourism destinations of our days. Check out the ones you (really) can't miss!