An explosion of colours and flavours

Madeira's delicious fruits
"A tropical paradise" is an expression we often see associated with Madeira and, in fact, "tropicality" is a characteristic found in the archipelago, on several levels... In the climate, in the vegetation and, of course, in our fruit. Everything in Madeira tastes special and fruit is no exception.

The explanation may be more than poetic and has to do with the temperature and soil conditions. Experiencing the archipelago in its entirety means celebrating the beauty of the Madeiran landscapes, picking and tasting the fruits that have bright colours and sweeter flavours in this land.

The banana from Madeira, usually planted in land near the sea and at altitudes up to 200m, is known for its small size and sweet taste. Also, the vineyards leave a profound mark on the Madeiran landscape, besides providing us with several types of grapes, all renowned for their quality.

he fruit markets are eye-catching paintings of the most vivid colours, where the fruits that 'chose' Madeira to grow stand out. Banana passion fruit, tamarillos and custard apples come together in the fruit baskets with the freshest tangerines, apples and pears from the highlands. Lemons, plums and nectarines also grow at altitude; in Porto Santo, watermelon reigns supreme.