Cipreia Dive Club

Maritime-tourist operator

There is Life underwater

Cipreia Dive Club is a company of underwater activities, with 30 years of experience in the domestic market, responsible for training hundreds of new divers and instructors.


Located inside VidaMar Resort Hotel Madeira with direct access to the Diving boat.

You can find:
• Parking
• Changing rooms with hot water
• Storage to keep personal belongings
• Tanks for washing the equipment
• Equipment for rent, in all sizes
• Bauer Compressor - B-TROX membrane. Fills up to 200bar AR and Nitrox up to 40.

Cipreia Dive Club is a Tourism Animation Company, PADI Dive Centre and SSI DIAMOND INSTRUCTOR TRAINING CENTER, which offers maritime-tourist activities, from boat trips to snorkelling, services and training for recreational diving.
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