Madeira Theme Park
A park that talks about Madeira
The Madeira Theme Park, as a didactic facility focused on historical, heritage and cultural aspects of the Region, is targeted not only at the resident population but also at national and foreign tourists who visit the municipality of Santana.
SDNM S.A. regards the Madeira Theme Park as an asset to be maximised based on the promotion of the offer inherent to it and available to visitors. It is, in this context, a quality cultural offer, combining the educational aspect with entertainment, based on the dissemination of the history, traditions and customs of the Madeiran people. In this context, the undertaking includes several attractions of ethnographic nature, such as the village of Typical Santana and Quintinha Houses, among others, thus privileging the contact of visitors with craftsmen who work with wool, linen, Madeira embroidery and wicker.