Calheta Beach

About the Calheta Beach

If there's one photo you must take with you after a visit to the island of Porto Santo, it's the sunset at Calheta Beach. Very different from the other beaches of the nine-kilometre long stretch of sand, it stands out for its rock formations which give it a special mystique.


Located south-west of Porto Santo, Calheta Beach marks the end of a nine-kilometre long golden sandy beach, thus justifying the mixture of sand and rocks. It therefore takes on the characteristics of a more private and peaceful beach, while offering the therapeutic sands and warm waters that distinguish Porto Santo.


Although more secluded, Calheta Beach has a parking area, changing rooms and sanitary facilities, as well as a restaurant area where you can enjoy grilled limpets accompanied by the famous 'bolo do caco' with garlic butter.


The landscape is marked by Ilhéu da Cal, also known as Ilhéu de Baixo, an important heritage of this island for its lime extraction mines. Now decommissioned, it is still possible to observe the extraction galleries through the drilled slopes. On days with better visibility, it is even possible to see the profile of the island of Madeira.

Marking the end of Porto Santo's long golden stretch of sand, Calheta Beach stands out for its rock formations, which give it a very special charm, in what is an unmissable setting.

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