Christmas and New Year's Eve Celebrations

Christmas in Madeira: festive season's traditions, magic and enchantment
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Dec 13, 2024
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'It's the most wonderful time of the year'! Few would disagree with the lyrics of Andy Williams' famous song, which is heard just about everywhere at this time of year. Christmas is indeed a magical time, experienced in unique ways in different corners of the world. It's true that in many places Christmas celebrations are perfectly aligned with the song – under a blanket of snow, toasting marshmallows by the fireplace to fight the cold. But in Madeira, Christmas is very different! Here, we trade the cold and the snow for the cosy warmth of our winter sun. Marshmallows? There's no room for them, because our regional cuisine is so rich and irresistible that it fills not only our stomach but also our soul, leaving little room for more.

Until January 7th, Madeira and Madeirans experience a state of pure euphoria, completely immersed in the enchanting Christmas spirit that only those who experience ‘A Festa' here can truly understand. Yes, the festive season is so special to us that we call it just that: “A Festa”, which literally translates to “The Festivity”.

Are you ready to embark on this celebration with us? Discover why this is the best time of year in the most authentic and special place.

Our Christmas lights

Natal Madeira

One of the most anticipated moments of Christmas in Madeira takes place at nightfall on December 1st, when Funchal finally lights up for the celebrations. The main avenues become veritable light corridors, enchanting both locals and visitors. Public buildings, churches, squares and monuments all participate in this light show, making a night-time stroll in the city a magical experience, announcing that Christmas is here again. The view of the island from Funchal bay is especially stunning, like a living, bright nativity scene celebrating the arrival of Christmas.

The charm of our Christmas market

Natal Madeira

Located at the heart of Funchal, at Avenida Arriaga, the Christmas Market is the epicentre of Christmas festivities. With dozens of 'stalls' surprising visitors with the most typical things Madeira has to offer, this is the place to indulge in regional flavours and try out the incomparable Christmas delicacies that make Christmas special. Bolo do caco, vinha d'alhos marinated meat sandwiches to whet your appetite, the essential poncha and seasonal liqueurs to toast to the meetings and reunions that take place there, where there are only smiles, hugs and prosperity wishes. If the Central Walkway needed more entertainment, there are also musical performances by various artists several times a day, awarding our market a unique authenticity and charm.

Childbirth Masses

Natal Madeira

Where else in the world do festivities start at 5 a.m.? Childbirth Masses start on 15 December, the final call to get into the Christmas spirit, which is already jubilant by now. Each parish holds nine masses, symbolising the nine months of Mary's pregnancy. In some parishes, the festivities begin even before the religious celebration, with groups of people going from house to house, gathering more and more people, who joyfully sing on their way to the church. After Mass, the festivities go on in the churchyard until sunrise, to the sound of braguinhas, accordions and hopeful voices. We sip hot cocoa in between songs, and the braver start drinking liqueurs, or even the traditional poncha, balanced with biscuits brought from home and vinha d'alhos marinated meat sandwiches. Those working keep their high spirits, while others can go home and rest for a while, before returning to the festivities.

The Ethnographic Village

Natal Madeira

For all those who want to experience traditional Madeiran customs, the Ethnographic Village, right next to the Christmas Market, is a kind of portal to the customs that define the island's Christmas spirit. The typical houses, with their characteristic thatched roofs, are decorated with small details evoking our ancestors' daily life. Inside, the experienced hands of artisans bring unique pieces to life, while sharing the stories of several generations and revealing the secrets of almost forgotten crafts. The fountain at Largo da Restauração is covered by a giant nativity scene with hundreds of tiny figures representing the Nativity. When looking at the installation, it's hard not to compare the crib to the island of Madeira itself: a place rich in details, traditions and stories to tell.

The Christmas Village

Natal Madeira

For the little ones, Christmas is pure magic, and the Christmas Village at Largo do Município is the fulfilment of that dream. Carousels, enchanted trains and cotton candy make their eyes shine with the same intensity as the lights that decorate the space. And of course there's always a special place to send letters to Santa Claus, where every request is full of hope and fantasy.

The Market Night

Natal Madeira

Doing your last Christmas shopping on the evening of December 23rd is a tradition that brings thousands of Madeirans to the Farmers Market, in Funchal. Closed to traffic, the surrounding streets become an outdoor market displaying fruit, vegetables, flowers, and typical Christmas sweets and drinks. The unmistakable smell of mandarin stands out from the varied aromas, a smell sensation that guides and welcomes us during this festive season. Ask any Madeiran what flavour reminds them of Christmas the most, and the answer will be unanimous. Strolling along these streets, meeting familiar faces and toasting to a Merry Christmas is undoubtedly irresistible, but the true essence of this tradition is experienced at the Farmers' Market. A group of friends started something special more than 40 years ago: singing Christmas carols outside the market. The initiative gained popularity, the carols soon started taking place inside the enclosed area, attracting thousands of people, and became one of Madeira's most loved Christmas traditions.

Natal Madeira

It currently represents more than an hour of harmony and togetherness, to the sound of the most beautiful melodies - from traditional to classic Christmas Carols. It's impossible not to feel your heart warming up to the sound of voices united in joy, communion and Christmas spirit.

The New Year's Eve Fireworks Display

Natal Madeira

On December 31st, as the night progresses and the clock nears midnight, Madeira is filled with anticipation and an indescribable frenzy. The fireworks display that marks the start of the new year in Madeira needs no introduction. Classified as the 'World's Largest Fireworks Display' on the 2006-2007 New Year's Eve, it retained the Guinness World Records honour until 2012. The New Year's Eve magic is concentrated at the city of Funchal, using the Bay as the amphitheatre for this light and colour show. The amazed crowds on land and sea watch as the horizon lights up with bursts of colour, painting the sky on the most important night of the year. For 8 minutes, Funchal is enveloped in a visual symphony of red, gold, blue and green, reflected in the waters of the bay. The lively party continues well into the night, at hotels and discos but also in the streets of Funchal, where festivities only defuse in the morning.

Kings Carols

Natal Madeira

Christmas celebrations last until the beginning of January, with the celebration of the Three Kings Day, which in heavily celebrated in Madeira. Tradition dictates that on the eve of the Three Kings Day, groups of family members and neighbours get together, accompanied by regional musical instruments, and pay a surprise visit to the homes of relatives and friends. All over the island, but especially in rural areas, this custom lives on, guaranteeing a lively evening both for those who join in the travelling carols and for those who open their doors to the revellers, who with Madeiran hospitality running through their veins, offer liqueurs left over from Christmas and slices of the famous Bolo-Rei. The occasion is also marked in the centre of Funchal, with a great show of singing to the Kings, with various singing groups taking to the stage for a memorable evening, culminating in the sharing of a giant Bolo-Rei. This brings Madeiran Christmas celebrations to a close with a flourish.

At the beginning of this article, we warned you that Christmas in Madeira is more than a celebration – it's a state of mind, an invitation to share and an opportunity to experience unique traditions. Whether it's the lights, the flavours or the contagious Madeirans joy, 'The Festivity' is an unforgettable experience for all those who have the privilege of living it. Come and celebrate with us, and discover what makes it a truly unforgettable season in Madeira!
Official Programme
Christmas and New Year's Eve

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