Madeira Natural Park

Madeira Natural Park

The Madeira Natural Park is a unique protected area, both for the richness and beauty of its natural and cultural heritage, and for the fact that it is, in its entirety, open to all visitors.


The Madeira Natural Park includes areas with different protection statuses, from the lowest, such as transition zones, to the highest, which correspond to total and partial reserves.
It also includes protected landscape areas presenting natural, semi-natural and humanised sceneries of great aesthetic value, the result of careful human intervention.


Visiting the Madeira Natural Park is experiencing Nature at its best.
Besides being an area of Nature conservation and observation, the areas protected by the Madeira Natural Park include recreation and leisure areas, built heritage and agricultural and forest areas.


From the seaside to the highest mountains, it is possible to observe various natural and humanised ecosystems, some of which stand out for their high biological values, such as the Laurissilva of Madeira, the Mountain Massif, and Ponta de São Lourenço.

The Madeira Natural Park is a protected area covering about 2/3 of the territory of the island of Madeira. It includes all municipalities, from the east to the west, with greater expression in the centre and north coast of the island.

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