Aroundfreedom Surf School

Tourist Entertainment Company

Learn to surf

Aroundfreedom Surf School is a surf school based in Machico, at Hotel Dom Pedro Baia, specialised in all levels of surf development for active life and competition.

All Coaches are surfers and have Level I or II training from the PNFT - Plano Nacional de Formação de Treinadores (National Coach Training Plan) managed by the IPDJ, ensuring quality education and world-class knowledge.

Aroundfreedom Surf School offers surf baptisms, daily lessons, intensive courses, Surf Camps, Surf Retreats, and Surf Guiding.

Creating surfers since 2012! Surf lessons for all levels; beginners, intermediate and advanced, surf courses, Surf Camps, and Surf Retreats.

Our coaches receive continuous training focused on the latest surf teaching techniques, gearing this training towards those who visit the archipelago and are looking for a memorable experience, therefore ensuring quality, world-class experiences. Surf school registered with the FPS - Federação Portuguesa de Surf (Portuguese Surfing Federation) under no. 296 and member of the AEDP - Associação de Escolas de Surf de Portugal (Portuguese Surf Schools Association).

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