São Vicente Parish Church

About the São Vicente Parish Church

The origin of this religious space and its parish takes us back about 600 years, more precisely to the 15th century. At that time, a primitive chapel in honour of Saint Vincent became the seat of the parish, one of the most populated at the time. The São Vicente Parish Church was built and considered the new seat of the parish some years later, in the late 17th century.

The church as we know it today has a façade with a triangular pediment surmounted by a cross, a wall with prettified cornerstones and a beautiful bell tower. The interior is uniquely graceful and harmonious, featuring the high choir which houses a pipe organ dating from the 19th century.

When you enter the São Vicente Parish Church, you will come across a magnificent, scenic effect called the 'Total Art of Empty Horror'. The entire space is filled with various types of art: canvas paintings on the ceiling, carvings and tiles.

Located in the centre of the town, the São Vicente Parish Church hosts one of Madeira's biggest and most popular festivals. The festivities take place every year in the second fortnight of August, the perfect time to get to know some of Madeira's traditions and experience a special season.

The São Vicente Parish Church, built in the late 17th century, exhibits a magnificent interior, with an effect known as the 'Total Art of Empty Horror'. This religious space is located at the centre of São Vicente town.

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