Fábrica de Santo António
A place with history
Known for its manufacturing quality and precision, a reference brand was created in Madeira which has survived to the present day, currently in its 5th family generation.
Fábrica Santo António - Fábrica Santo António is a century-old company that was founded in Funchal in 1893, which has since been dedicated to the artisanal preparation of traditional confectionery from Madeira.
History of Fábrica Santo António - In 1893, Francisco Roque Gomes da Silva decided to found the first cookie factory in Madeira. At a time when there was a strong presence of English families in Madeiran society, which ended up influencing its customs, Francisco Roque realised that the imported tradition of eating biscuits and cookies at tea time would be a business opportunity that would allow him to create a product manufactured locally without depending on foreign market. Over the years, his wife Guilhermina expanded the factory's range of recipes, combining traditions and implementing family recipes that have spanned generations. The shop is located in the same building as the factory, right at the heart of the city of Funchal, an area that breathes history and respects the original layout, offering all those who visit Fábrica de Santo António a real trip back in time. Here, shelves and cabinets are the original ones, it is still possible to feel the scars of time on the pine wood top of the service counter, while antiques and colourful metal tins naturally embellish the space. The shop, as well as the adjacent streets, are perfumed by batches that are constantly coming out; after all, this is 'Travessa do Forno' (literally, Oven Lane).