Bringing out the true flavour

The authenticity of Madeira's delicacies
The secret to some of the most popular Madeiran delicacies is precisely that they have no secrets. In the simplicity of those who, for centuries, were forced to live with little, the people of Madeira have made famous dishes that stand out for their genuine, fresh flavour.

Take, for example, the typical regional "espetada". The beef, cut into pieces and seasoned with coarse salt, is "skewered" on a laurel stick - an abundant tree in Madeira - and roasted over an open fire. And what could be better to accompany this tender and succulent meat? Fried cornmeal. These cubes of corn flour and chopped cabbage are also an expression of traditional Madeira food and, in fact, a delicious complement to both meat and fish.

And speaking of fish... black scabbardfish is one of the pillars of traditional Madeira food. It can be prepared in countless ways, but the fillet, which is browned with flour and egg, is the ultimate expression of its regionalism. From fish to seafood, as we cannot ignore the favourite starter of those who visit us: grilled limpets. They arrive at the table steaming hot, whetting the appetite. The seasoning? A little butter and lemon juice.